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Black Spruce essential oil is a neurotonic (tones the central nervous system) and balances the endocrine system and emotions. As such, it effectively relieves premenopausal symptoms by revitalizing the adrenals and reducing fatigue. It also acts as a powerful anti-inflammatory for conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, sprains and muscle pain. Apply a few drops mixed with a vegetable oil, massaging gently into the affected areas for fast, natural relief. Breathe it in for better concentration and stronger lungs!

Latin name: Picea mariana

French name: Épinette Noire

English name: Black Spruce

Botanical family: Abietaceae or Pinaceae

Origin: Quebec, Canada

Harvesting time: January to December

Parts distilled: Wood

Black Spruce essential oil is renowned for its stimulating action on energy metabolism and its balancing effect on the endocrine system when combined with Scots Pine essential oil. It constitutes an essential complement and effective against symptoms of pre-menopause.A morning application to the adrenals and lower back can stimulate the body and combat fatigue and exhaustion.

It also presents anti-inflammatory properties, particularly beneficial in cases of rheumatoid arthritis, inflammation of the Achilles tendon, sciatic nerve, sprains and others. By performing gentle massages with a mixture of Black Spruce, Wintergreen and St. John's Wort oil on the affected area, 2 to 3 times a day, it is possible to effectively relieve lower limb pain.

For the skin system: initial anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, soothing and relaxing.

For the Digestive System: aperitif, promoting digestion, intestinal anti-spasmodic with analgesic, antiparasitic and antifungal effect, soothing spasms in the solar plexus.

For the endocrine system: supports corticomimetic functions, acting on the pituitary-corticoadrenal and pituitary-ovarian axes.

For the immune system: purifies the air, fights fungal, bacterial and viral infections, as well as parasites.

For the respiratory system: relieves bronchial spasms, decongests the pulmonary passages, acts as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, and facilitates expectoration in case of cough.

For the nervous system: relaxing, invigorating for the nervous system, regulator of serotonin (the happiness hormone), promoting sleep and reducing chronic pain.

For the osteoarticular system
: anti-inflammatory, analgesic, decongestant.

For the Genitourinary System: relieves spasms of the pelvic and sacral plexus.


Black Spruce essential oil releases serotonin, thus acting as a natural antidepressant and promoting a feeling of well-being and inner calm.It also stimulates empathy, while being psychologically invigorating and adaptogenic.

It is recommended to treat intestinal and skin mycoses, intestinal and skin parasitoses, acne, psoriasis, eczema, hyperthyroidism, bronchitis, sinusitis, catarrh, asthenia, spasms in the solar plexus, muscular rheumatism, arthritis, inflammatory prostatitis and immunosuppression.

- My essential oils bible. Montreal, Éditions Caractère.
- Natural Resources Canada: Official website
- Aromatherapy exactly. Bayeux, Éditions Roger.



To reach Black Spruce in the boreal forest, where it is distilled, the tourist will say that it is as far as going to SAINT-LOIN-DU-BEN-LOIN in the NORTH!

The Black Spruce or black spruce is a conifer majestic with a height of 8 to 20 meters which watches over our Canadian forests from coast to coast. This conifer grows where other species cannot grow. Favoring moist, sandy or peaty soils, this tree mainly covers the territories of the Canadian Far North to the edge of the Low Arctic tundra and the northeastern United States. Its branches are rough and its frayed bark is reddish brown when young and darker when mature. Its grayish green needles are straight and tight along the branch. Its fruit is a small purple cone which turns light brown when ripe. Of the forty varieties of spruce, it is most resistant to very cold climates. For this purpose, it can withstand up to – 60 degrees Celsius according to certain studies. Without its greatest enemy which is fire, this tree could live up to 280 years.

For thousands of years, Native Americans have exploited the medicinal plants of the boreal forest in their oral tradition. The Crees used black spruce as anti-diarrheal by concocting infusions from the cones, while the needles and cones were used to treat diabetes.

For burns, balms were made from black spruce resin, and chewing the cones relieved toothache.

The Montagnais prepared infusions for sore throats and coughs with this tree, while the children chewed its resin to keep their teeth white. They also attributed to the black spruce virtues against scurvy. Used for the construction of settlers' homes, the tree was also used to brew spruce beer, popular at clergy evenings under the pretext of preventing scurvy.

In 1772, the English physician Henry Taylor discovered a method of extracting spruce oil, recommended for respiratory conditions. Dr. Taylor is also the founder of the first distillery installed in Quebec City.


The essential oil presented can be neurotoxic when used internally. It is advisable to avoid it during the first three months of pregnancy. Additionally, long-term pure skin application may result in redness if the product is oxidized.


Essential oils offer numerous benefits for human, animal, insect and plant well-being. It is recommended to refer to specialized aromatherapy books for appropriate and safe use.

We also recommend consult an aromatherapy professional, capable of targeting the biochemical groups and aromatic molecules of essential oils, in order to optimize the effectiveness of treatments.


It is best to store essential oils in a cool, dry place, away from light and air.

The information provided on this website is NOT a medical recommendation for treatment or cure of any medical condition or disease.

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