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Balsam Poplar essential oil helps you combat initial skin inflammation with antibacterial properties, while providing sedation and soothing relief. For the osteo-articular system, our anti-inflammatory formula offers relief while promoting venous and lymphatic decongestion.

Latin name: Populus balsamifera

French name: Peuplier Baumier

English name: Balsam Poplar

Botanical family: Salicaceae

Origin: Quebec, Canada

Harvesting time: Spring and fall

Parts distilled: Branches and buds

Organoleptic characteristics: Characteristic sweet, resinous odor, transparent to very pale yellow in appearance.

Components: α-Bisabolol, t-Nerolidol, α-Amorphene, δ-Amorphene, δ-Cadinene


  • Skin system: anti-inflammatory in the initial stage, antibacterial, provides sedation, relaxation and calming.
  • Osteoarticular system: anti-inflammatory, venous and lymphatic decongestant.


Skin allergies, eczema, psoriasis, rheumatic pain.


  • Repertoirequebecnature.com
  • Naturalmedicinalherbs.net
  • Aromatherapy, Essential oils from Quebec and the world, Applicationstherapeutics.

The Balsam Poplar, a native tree of Canada, thrives in the northern regions of Quebec, offering remarkable resistance to the rigors of winter.Reaching up to 35 meters tall and living up to 70 years, it grows in moist soils near watercourses, as well as in sandy environments, often planted in the countryside to serve as a windbreak.

Its young bark, a distinctive greenish gray, darkens over time and gradually cracks. Its oval, dark green leaves are serrated at the edges, reaching between 7 and 12 cm in length..

In spring, its resinous buds give off a pleasant scent., evoking a sweet smell of sweet resin, hence its name Balsam Poplar. This characteristic gives it appreciated therapeutic properties.

Native American populations have valued the Balsam Poplar for its medicinal virtues, particularly in the event of skin problems or lung infections.

Besides its healing applications, this tree offered various other uses. The Iroquois, for example, used it to relieve arthritis, treat skin rashes, as a laxative, and even as a decoction to combat worms in horses..

Additionally, it was used in manufacture of deerskin hair and clothing cleaners.

No known contraindication to physiological doses.However, it is recommended to avoid its use during the first three months of pregnancy and in people suffering from hypotension.

Additionally, long-term pure skin application may result in redness if the product is oxidized.


Essential oils offer numerous benefits for human, animal, insect and plant well-being. It is recommended to refer to specialized aromatherapy books for appropriate and safe use.

We also recommend consult an aromatherapy professional, capable of targeting the biochemical groups and aromatic molecules of essential oils, in order to optimize the effectiveness of treatments.


It is best to store essential oils in a cool, dry place, away from light and air.

The information provided on this website is NOT a medical recommendation for treatment or cure of any medical condition or disease.

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