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Discover the authenticity of our White Spruce hydrosol, with its revitalizing and skin-toning benefits, providing a soothing and relaxing sensation. Offering a natural source of energy, this hydrosol, traditionally used for its purifying properties, evokes a beneficial freshness and contributes to a holistic well-being, rooted in the purity of Canadian nature.

Carefully harvested in the heart of Quebec's forests. Every drop of this hydrosol, expertly distilled from the branches and needles of Picea glauca.

Latin name: Picea glauca

French name: Épinette Blanche

English name: White Spruce

Botanical family: Pinaceae

Origin: Quebec, Canada

Harvest time: May to October

Parts distilled: Branches and needles

For the Respiratory System:

• Bronchial antispasmodic
• Pulmonary decongestant
• Antioxidant
• Bronchial anti-inflammatory
• Cough suppressant
• Expectorant

For the Osteo-Articular System:

  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Analgesic
  • Decongestant


  • Pneumonia
  • Bronchitis
  • Sinusitis
  • Cold with lots of catarrh
  • Cough
  • Allergy
  • Asthma
  • Torticollis
  • Strain
  • Relaxing smooth and striated muscles (contracted back)


  • m.espacepourlavie.ca
  • Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources
  • afsq.org

White Spruce, also known by the scientific name Picea glauca (glauca meaning bluish or greenish gray), is a species that extends over almost the entire Canadian forest territory, with the exception of the Pacific coast. Playing a crucial role in the paper and wood industry, it is widely used in construction, manufacturing of packing boxes, pallets and plywood.

Thanks to its acoustic qualities, it is also prized in violin making for the creation of violins, pianos and guitars. With a height of approximately 30 meters and a width of 5 meters, its habit is generally pyramidal with a conical top. Its branches bear bluish green needles, which are very fragrant when crushed, while its light brown cones measure 4 to 6 cm long. The bark of the White Spruce is initially light gray, thin and smooth, becoming scaly and dark gray over time.

Remarkably adaptable to rocky terrain with a thin organic layer, it prefers loamy, moist and well-drained soils. The oldest specimens can live up to 200 years.

In a context of climate change, an increase in temperature and precipitation in the north could stimulate its reproduction. Providing food and shelter for many wildlife species, its abundant seeds are an important food source for birds and small mammals.

The abundant production of cones every two to six years favors the reproduction of this tree species.

Always, White Spruce occupied a special place in Native American communities, where each part of this tree was valued to meet daily needs. Indeed, this conifer contains numerous therapeutic properties: decoctions of bark, needles or resin were prepared for treat the respiratory infections, while poultices made from cooked and ground bark were used by First Nations to treat wounds, cuts and swelling.

The resin was also used as a laxative, and the rotten wood, once dried and reduced to a fine powder, was used to relieve skin rashes. In addition, shamans used the tops of these trees to rid people of their ailments through ritual brushing.

In addition to its medicinal virtues, the White Spruce was also prized for manufacturing and maintenance of utility objects. Its lightness and robustness made it a material of choice for construction tents, canoes, paddles, shovels, and much more. The rootlets were used to make baskets, snowshoes, fishing lines, and were even used to sew birch bark onto the frames of canoes.

Also note: The resin of the White Spruce is the oldest of the "chewing gums", and "spruce beer" was made from its needles and cones.

Hydrosols offer remarkable benefits for human, animal, insect and plant well-being. For appropriate and safe use, we recommend that you refer to specialized aromatherapy books. Additionally, consulting an aromatherapy professional can be beneficial in identifying the biochemical compounds and aromatic molecules in essential oils, thereby improving the effectiveness of your care.

Our hydrosols do not contain preservatives, so it is recommended to store them in a cool, dry place, away from light and air, for a shelf life of 1 to 3 years.

The information provided on this Website is NOT a medical recommendation for treatment or cure of any medical condition or disease.

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